I guess it has. Sure, I've thought about posting. I've written in my head millions of times. Snapped a photo and knew just what to say about that image, that moment, that experience...
But I haven't written have I?
There are many reasons for that, I guess. I kinda fell off the tracks in a way. I just kept thinking to myself How do I sum up where I went, all of my adventures, what's going on in my daily life if I am so far behind?
I've been to Maine, and to weddings. I've been working a ton, knitting a ton. Having a great time. I've been on television 3 times this month. Great stuff. funny stuff. Entertaining as hell.
I just haven't been too inspired to share this news. There are good reasons for this, of course. Certain people have been popping their heads into my little corner of the bloggy world and it weirds me out. To know that they are reading, watching. listening
but that was my choice, wasn't it? to put myself out there...to carve out a little hole in this forrest of stories.
So I have been censoring myself - pausing before I share again.
But you know what I say to all of that?
I am who I am, I live how I live, I share cause I wanna. so F*&K FUCK IT
So I'll start with a simple: hello there. It's good to see you again. You all have been doing quite well- I certainly haven't stopped reading...here's what I've been up to:
{I've been knitting up a storm. My sisters birthday came and went before her present was off the needles. ( a hat, pattern here)
She didn't seem to mind.

It's done now and I really like it.
{I had jury duty, I brought the pattern for muir from knitty to start. Gah. It was very hard. I might be putting it down. Mohair + lace pattern charts + courhouses aren't the best combo.
{I was on TV - a lot. TLC is airing a series of special shows about Trading Spaces, just like "The Best Week Ever" on VH1. It was super funny and I'm going to be on again this weekend. hilarity. tune in if you like
{My big project at work that has had me traveling all over the place finally launched this week. Check out what I do for a livin' here
I'm also a credited photographer on National Geographic.com. pretty cool, no?
Check out my photos here.
There has been so much in between. Moments where my chest fills up with joy. I look around. I love my life right now. I am home, I have friends here. I feel settled. It's all very very very good. ya know?
Hopefully the spirit will move me to post more often. It's just so entierely overwhelming to blog sometimes.
It can be alarming to discover who stumbles upon my humble little space...and the effect that it has on those that you love most. I don't like that. I don't like opening up that door for others...in ways that might be painful. Even though this site is quite benign...it is far reaching...beyond what I could ever imagine or care for it to be.
I only want good things to come of this place? ya know? It's not like I'm posting politcal diatribes over here. geesh. It's a freaking crafty blog.
but anyways-
I don't feel like closing down shop. I just had to pause; to think and to ponder.
thanks for listening.